

MultiLit stands for ‘Making Up for Lost Time in Literacy’, and is only available for a select few students in Years 3 – 6 who require extra reading support.  The program runs for 30 minutes per day, four times a week during school hours; and is conducted one on one with a MultiLit trained staff member.

This program gives children an invaluable opportunity to cultivate and strengthen all areas of reading in a non-competitive and nurturing environment; whilst also fostering self-confidence and a love of reading.


MiniLit is a specialised program designed to help children in Years 1 and 2 who require additional reading support, and is only available for a select few students in the school.  It runs for 1 hour per day, four times a week during school hours; and is conducted in small groups of 4 – 5 children with a MiniLit trained staff member.

This program gives children an invaluable opportunity to cultivate and strengthen all areas of reading in a non-competitive and nurturing environment; whilst also fostering self-confidence and a love of reading.

Clifton Hills Primary School