Our Vision and Values


Our Purpose

At Clifton Hills we aim to provide an education that caters for the requirements of each individual child.

The school and its staff, work to achieve this by delivering a balanced and challenging curriculum and opportunities which enable all students to achieve their full potential; academically, culturally, socially and in sporting endeavours.

Our Values

Learning:  We have a positive approach to learning and encourage it in others; we advance student learning based on our belief that all students have the capacity to learn.

Care:  We treat all individuals with care. Our relationships are based on trust, mutual respect and the acceptance of responsibility. We recognise the value of working in partnership with parents/carers and the wider community in providing a quality education for our students.

Excellence:  We have high expectations of our students and ourselves. We set standards of excellence and strive to achieve them. The standards and expectations challenge all of us to give of our best.

Equity:  We have a right to an environment that is free of discrimination, abuse or exploitation.  We recognize the differing circumstances and needs of our students & are dedicated to achieving the best possible outcomes for all.

Our Vision

The Clifton Hills Primary School Community will provide the best possible education program for all of its children, encouraging them to achieve academic excellence and become responsible citizens.

Successful Students

Foster a caring learning environment which encourages all of our students to strive for the  highest level of which they are capable. In doing this they will be happy and secure in themselves, be able to contribute positively to their community and will be equipped for the future.

Excellence in Teaching

Clifton Hills Primary School staff will continue to work as a team to enhance the existing environment and encourage, support and build staff capacity for teaching excellence, adopting a personal approach to ensure each student strives to achieve their potential.

A Safe, Supportive and Sustainable  Environment

The whole school community, through its students and their actions, will continue to support, develop and   enhance a commitment to care for, respect and nurture a safe, healthy, sustainable physical and natural environment. These concepts will be embedded in all areas of the curriculum.

Clifton Hills Primary School