
We are committed to achieving the best possible literacy outcomes for all students.  Individual students are supported to show maximum progress and levels of achievement reflecting individual potential.

Clifton Hills Primary School has a whole school approach to the teaching of Literacy. We have listed below some of the different strategies and programs used:

Oral Language activities; Independent Reading (Decodable Readers, CARS & STARS, Making Connections); Independent Writing (Talk 4 Writing); Grammar & Punctuation; Synthetic Phonics & Spelling (Letters and Sounds, Words Their Way).  Mini-Lit and Multi-Lit programs are also used to assist specific children at point of need.

Students will experience regular opportunities for individual, collaborative and staff supported learning.  Students are given the opportunity to achieve intended objectives in a safe and fair environment.

Feedback is given to the students regularly by highlighting to students the successes and/or improvements needed in their work and by assisting them to see how they can improve as assessment should be educative.

Case Management Plans (i.e Individual Education Plans and Group Education Plans) are developed for students who are not achieving (Below and At the National Minimum Standard in NAPLAN) or achieving well above the specific skills and objectives being taught. Further testing will also be utilised to assist with the development of Case Management plans.  Parents will be notified by class teachers if their child will need extra assistance. 

Clifton Hills Primary School